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This case study presents Actowiz Solutions' successful project in scraping grocery data from the Milkbasket mobile app. The objective was to extract and analyze valuable product information, pricing, and availability from Milkbasket, a popular online grocery delivery platform—Actowiz Solutions leveraged web scraping techniques to gather comprehensive data and provide actionable insights for their client.


Actowiz Solutions, a leading data analytics company, was approached by a client interested in gaining a competitive edge in the online grocery market. The client sought detailed information about product offerings, pricing, and stock availability on the Milkbasket mobile app. Actowiz Solutions proposed a solution that involved scraping data from the Milkbasket app and transforming it into a structured format for analysis.



The key objectives of the project were as follows:

  • Extract comprehensive grocery data from the Milkbasket mobile app.
  • Collect information on product details, pricing, and stock availability.
  • Organize and structure the scraped data for further analysis.
  • Provide actionable insights to the client for strategic decision-making.


Actowiz Solutions employed a robust scraping framework to extract data from the Milkbasket mobile app. The scraping process involved the following steps:

a. Reverse engineering: Actowiz Solutions reverse-engineered the Milkbasket app to understand its structure, data sources, and authentication mechanisms.

b. Data extraction: Using automated scraping tools and techniques, Actowiz Solutions extracted data from various app sections, including product listings, pricing, and availability.

c. Data transformation: The extracted data was cleaned, standardized, and transformed into a structured format, ensuring consistency and compatibility for further analysis.

d. Quality assurance: Actowiz Solutions implemented rigorous quality checks to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scraped data.

e. Analysis and insights: Actowiz Solutions analyzed the scraped data to derive valuable insights, such as popular products, pricing trends, and stock availability patterns.

Results and Benefits

Actowiz Solutions' data scraping project yielded several benefits for the client:

a. Comprehensive data: The scraped data provided a comprehensive overview of Milkbasket's product offerings, pricing, and stock availability.

b. Competitive intelligence: The client gained valuable insights into their competitors' product range, pricing strategies, and stock management practices.

c. Pricing optimization: By analyzing pricing trends, the client was able to optimize their pricing strategy and remain competitive in the market.

d. Stock management: The data on stock availability helped the client identify potential supply chain bottlenecks and optimize their inventory management processes.

e. Decision-making support: The actionable insights from the scraped data enabled the client to make informed decisions, resulting in improved business outcomes.


Actowiz Solutions successfully executed the project to scrape grocery data from the Milkbasket mobile app, providing the client with a competitive advantage in the online grocery market. By leveraging web scraping techniques, Actowiz Solutions enabled clients to gain valuable insights, optimize pricing strategies, and enhance their stock management practices. This case study exemplifies the power of data scraping in extracting actionable intelligence for informed decision-making.