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Examining Gender Disparity: Recent Study Reveals Only 10% of Crunchbase's Global Company Founders are Women

Bridging the Gender Divide: Actowiz Solutions Highlights Founders' Gender Gap and Urges Emphasis on Diversity in Business as Male Founders Secure 98% of Funding on Crunchbase

In a comprehensive analysis conducted by The Classification Guru, the true extent of gender inequality in the business world has been revealed. The findings expose a mere 10% representation of female founders among actively operating companies globally. This disparity prompted us to delve deeper into the realities of funding allocation and the underlying factors driving these trends.

Collaborating with Actowiz Solutions, the renowned web data platform for providing efficient, reliable, and flexible access to public web data, we leveraged their expansive Crunchbase datasets. This allowed us to conduct an in-depth examination, shedding light on the pressing need for diversity to be prioritized in the business landscape. Specifically, we emphasize the significance of fostering diversity within small businesses and urge for its elevation from the proverbial back burner.

By presenting the facts surrounding funding distribution and exploring the reasons behind the prevailing gender divide, our research, in conjunction with Actowiz Solutions, seeks to challenge preconceived notions and spark meaningful discussions on the importance of promoting inclusivity and diversity in business.

The time has come to address this critical issue, recognizing diversity's immense value to the business ecosystem. Join us as we advocate for a more prominent role for diversity, especially within small businesses, and strive towards a future where gender equality becomes a fundamental pillar of success.

Methodology: Unveiling the Gender Divide in Global Business Founders

To conduct our research, we meticulously analyzed a comprehensive database comprising global business information, drawing data from sources such as Crunchbase. The database encompassed public details of 31,388 founders and investors associated with various types of organizations worldwide. To ensure accuracy, we eliminated duplicate entries and focused on a refined sample of 14,877 unique founders.

Within this dataset, three entity types were identified: Companies, Investors, and Schools. For the purposes of this blog, we focused exclusively on Companies, specifically those that were active. Schools and Investors were excluded from our analysis.

As gender information was not readily available, we employed a systematic approach to classify each founder as either male or female based on their first names. We extracted the first names and compiled a unique list of 7,681 names. Leveraging the services of Gender-API, a specialized company, we utilized the first names to determine the likely gender of each founder. While we acknowledge that this method is not infallible, we believe it provides the best available approach to populate gender information. In cases where a name could not be matched or identified, we performed additional research using Google search to confirm the gender. Overall, 11 names remained unclassified and were subsequently excluded from the analysis.

For the purpose of this blog, we consider founders and owners to be synonymous. It is important to note that while the dataset utilized in this research represents a vast range of businesses globally, it is not an exhaustive compilation. Nonetheless, the exploration of this dataset has provided valuable insights into the gender distribution among founders, shedding light on the prevailing gender divide in the business world.

We embarked on this research endeavor with a commitment to meticulousness and integrity, aiming to present a comprehensive picture of the gender disparities observed in business ownership. The process, although complex, has yielded intriguing findings that invite further examination and discourse on the crucial topic of diversity and gender equality in entrepreneurship.

The Results

Now, let's delve into the findings derived from our data analysis, which reveals a gender split among active companies globally that is significantly lower than expected. The disparity between male and female representation is striking, challenging preconceived notions and painting a concerning picture.


Our research findings reveal a significant contrast to the figures reported by the World Bank, an authoritative institution that boasts its own gender data portal. According to their research, it was suggested that globally, 1 in 3 businesses are owned by women—a much higher representation than what our data indicates.


Exploring the Discrepancy: Unveiling the Missing Female Representation

The discrepancy in gender representation becomes more apparent when we consider the diverse spectrum of businesses, ranging from startups to large corporations. Our analysis suggests that the lower figures could be attributed to a higher percentage of female founders in startups and "solopreneurship," which may not receive as much visibility on platforms like Crunchbase, known for predominantly featuring databases of larger businesses.

This discrepancy implies that we must include significant female representation within the business landscape. The numbers are considerably lower than they have the potential to be, primarily due to the lack of spotlight on small and solo-owned businesses where female entrepreneurs often thrive.



Let's shift our focus to regional disparities, starting with the United Kingdom (UK). Despite witnessing progress in terms of diversity over the past decade, the data paints a disheartening picture. Shockingly, only 8% of companies in the UK are founded by women.

Initially, our data encompassed over 1,200 companies in the UK. To refine the analysis, we filtered out duplicate founders, excluding 261 investors and 53 schools, ultimately narrowing the dataset to 532 companies for further examination.

These statistics highlight the urgent need to address the gender imbalance within the UK's business landscape. While strides have been made, much work still needs to be done to create an inclusive environment that encourages and supports female entrepreneurship.

By acknowledging these regional disparities, we can collectively work towards creating equal opportunities and empowering women to succeed as founders and business owners across the UK and beyond.

Contrasting Perspectives: Examining Gender Representation in the UK


A different picture emerges when comparing our findings on female representation among company founders in the UK with the statistics provided by UENI. UENI's data, based on a sample of 22,257 small business owners, indicates that 32.37% of them were female—a significantly higher proportion than our earlier figure of 8% for companies founded by women.

It is important to note that the UENI data focuses on small business owners, which may only encompass part of the full range of business types and sizes. While these numbers suggest a more optimistic scenario for female entrepreneurship within smaller enterprises, they do not represent the comprehensive spectrum of the entire business landscape.

This contrast highlights the need for a comprehensive analysis considering various business types, including startups, solopreneurs, and more giant corporations, to understand gender representation across all sectors.

By recognizing these variations and conducting further research, we can gain deeper insights into female entrepreneurs' challenges and opportunities in the UK. It is essential to continue advocating for gender diversity and creating a supportive ecosystem enabling women to excel across the entire business spectrum, regardless of company size or industry.

Exploring Larger Businesses: Insights from the US Context

When examining gender representation among founders in larger businesses, obtaining specific information becomes more challenging. In the UK and Europe, there needs to be more comprehensive data collection at the point of business establishment, making it extremely difficult to track this information accurately. Our review of the Crunchbase database reinforces this difficulty, highlighting the data's scarcity of female representation.



Turning our attention to the United States, we chose this region due to its cultural and market similarities with the UK. The data we obtained further supported the parallels between the two countries. In the US dataset, only 11% of female founders are listed—indicating the limited representation of women in prominent positions within larger businesses.

It is crucial to acknowledge the need for more robust data collection and tracking mechanisms to understand better and address the gender disparity in larger businesses. By capturing accurate information from the outset, we can gain deeper insights into female entrepreneurs' challenges and opportunities in these settings.

It is essential to promote transparency, inclusivity, and equal opportunities in business environments, fostering a culture that encourages and supports the growth of diverse and talented founders, regardless of gender.

Unveiling Additional Insights: Exploring Diverse Studies

Delving into additional studies reveals a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the gender dynamics in startup businesses. A blog post by Sarah Hollenbeck on Incfile sheds light on some striking statistics:

In 2021, 49% of startups were formed by women.

Only 14% of startups are having female CEOs.

Merely 2.5% of the startups have only female founders.

These numbers align more closely with the findings we uncovered during our analysis. However, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of contextualizing the data and conducting thorough research. Direct comparisons between different datasets may only sometimes be straightforward, as they may involve varying parameters and definitions.

While the initial statistic of 49% may suggest a thriving landscape for women in entrepreneurship, it is essential to look beyond the surface. The reality is far from ideal, as indicated by the lower percentages of solely female founders and female CEOs. These figures reflect women's ongoing challenges and barriers in achieving equal representation and leadership roles within startup businesses.

Recognizing the significance of trustworthy and reliable data sources becomes increasingly crucial in navigating these complexities. By critically evaluating the origins and context of the data, we can better understand the state of gender representation in business and drive meaningful efforts toward achieving greater diversity and inclusion.

Pursuing gender equality in entrepreneurship requires ongoing examination, analysis, and a collective commitment to creating an environment that empowers and supports women in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Funding Disparity: A Startling Reality


Our research revealed the funding disparity between male and female founders is alarmingly significant. Female founders receive a staggering 98% less funding than their male counterparts. The starkness of this contrast is so pronounced that it becomes challenging to represent on a conventional bar chart visually.

In perspective, while male founders secure a staggering $272 billion in funding, female founders can only access a mere $5 billion. This vast funding gap raises critical questions about the underlying factors contributing to such disparities.

Unveiling the reasons behind this inequality requires a multifaceted exploration. Factors such as gender biases, limited access to networks and resources, unconscious biases in investment decision-making processes, and systemic barriers contribute to this funding discrepancy.

Addressing this issue calls for concerted efforts from various stakeholders. Investors, venture capital firms, and the business community must recognize the importance of equitable funding opportunities and actively work toward dismantling the barriers that hinder female founders' access to capital.

By fostering a more inclusive and supportive ecosystem where female entrepreneurs are provided with equal opportunities, mentorship, and access to funding, we can begin to bridge this substantial funding gap. Empowering female founders contributes to economic growth and innovation and cultivates a more diverse and resilient entrepreneurial landscape.

We must collectively strive to create an environment where all entrepreneurs, regardless of gender, can thrive and succeed, unlocking the full potential of talent and driving sustainable progress in the business world.

Market Realities: Funding Challenges for Female-led Startups


The market realities depicted by Pitchbook's data are sobering. It reveals that startups founded exclusively by women encountered a disproportionate setback. They received only 2% of the total venture capital dollars investment in the US’s VC-backed startups over the year. This statistic underscores the significant hurdles female founders face in accessing crucial funding.

Furthermore, a commissioned study conducted in 2017 by the British Business Bank in collaboration with Diversity VC and BVCA aimed to identify the barriers female-led firms encountered in accessing venture capital. The findings from this study are undeniably shameful, shedding light on the pervasive challenges and disparities that hinder female entrepreneurs from securing essential funding.

These results emphasize the urgent need for concerted efforts to address the deep-rooted biases and systemic obstacles that limit the funding prospects for female-led startups. Investors, venture capital firms, and policymakers must actively dismantle these barriers and promote equitable opportunities for all entrepreneurs.

By fostering an inclusive investment landscape that values diverse perspectives and promotes equal access to funding, we can create a more equitable playing field for female founders. We must collectively work towards closing the funding gap, providing the necessary support and resources to empower female-led startups to thrive and contribute to the overall growth and innovation of our economy.

Together, we can drive meaningful change, cultivate a more diverse and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem, and harness the untapped potential of female-led businesses to benefit society.

Champions of Female Founders: Funding Support and Geographical Trends Amidst the challenges faced by female founders in accessing funding, some noteworthy supporters are actively contributing to leveling the playing field. Analyzing the data presented below, it becomes evident that Singapore emerges as a prominent hub, accounting for over 60% of the total funding secured by female founders. Following closely behind are China and the United States. While it is important to note that this data represents just one database, it sheds light on an intriguing trend: female founders in Asia appear to have a comparatively higher chance of securing funding than their counterparts in North America or Europe.

These findings suggest that distinct regional dynamics may be at play, with Asia exhibiting a more favorable landscape for female founders in terms of funding opportunities. While it is crucial to approach this observation cautiously and acknowledge the limitations of a single dataset, it prompts us to consider the potential advantages that female founders in Asia might enjoy.

However, it is equally important to emphasize the need for a global shift in supporting and funding female founders, regardless of their location. By recognizing female entrepreneurs' immense talent and potential worldwide, we can collectively work towards dismantling barriers and fostering an inclusive ecosystem that embraces diversity.

Investors and stakeholders can tap into untapped markets by actively investing in female-led ventures, unlocking innovative solutions, and driving sustainable economic growth. Rather than approaching the support of female founders from a biased perspective, it should be recognized as a strategic and ethical imperative. Furthermore, avoiding perpetuating biases and stereotypes regarding funding decisions is essential.

Fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for female founders globally will benefit individual entrepreneurs and contribute to the advancement of society as a whole. It requires a collective effort from various stakeholders, including investors, policymakers, and organizations, to create a level playing field and ensure equal opportunities for all entrepreneurs, regardless of gender or geographical location.

Key Takeaways:

Data sets vary in quality and reliability. Not all data sets comprehensively or accurately represent the overall scenario. It is crucial to assess the source and credibility of the data before drawing conclusions or making comparisons.

Ensuring that the data sets being compared are relevant and similar is vital. Comparing apples to apples is essential. Concluding generic data may differ significantly when examining specific data sets.

Specific data sets offer more profound insights. Specific data sets tailored to that area of interest are necessary to obtain a more accurate understanding of a particular aspect or issue. Looking beneath the surface can reveal different and potentially game-changing insights for businesses.

Existing surveys and research have limitations. While there is a wealth of available data, numerous questions still need to be answered. This presents opportunities to leverage existing data sets creatively and uncover new insights that can drive innovation and understanding.

Exciting prospects lie in leveraging existing data. The availability of extensive data sets provides an exciting avenue for exploration and discovery. By innovatively utilizing existing data, businesses can uncover new answers and gain valuable insights.

By adopting a critical and informed approach to data analysis, businesses can navigate through the complexities of various data sets, unveil hidden patterns, and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the business landscape. The quest for knowledge and utilizing data effectively presents tremendous potential for growth and innovation.

Taking collective action is crucial in addressing female founders' disparities and challenges.

Here are some steps that can be taken to drive change:

Advocate for transparency: Encourage organizations and platforms to provide more transparent and accurate data regarding funding and success rates of female founders. By shedding light on the facts, we can identify areas for improvement and track progress.

Support diverse funding initiatives: Promote and participate in initiatives focusing on funding female founders, such as venture capital funds or angel investor networks specifically targeting women-led businesses. We can help close the funding gap by directing resources toward these initiatives.

Mentorship and networking opportunities: Foster mentorship programs and networking events that connect aspiring female founders with experienced entrepreneurs and industry professionals. These interactions can provide guidance, support, and access to valuable networks and resources.

Promote awareness and education: Raise awareness about the challenges female founders face and the importance of diversity in business. Educate investors, policymakers, and the broader public about the benefits of supporting and investing in women-led businesses.

Policy and institutional changes: Advocate for policies that promote gender equality and diversity in business. This includes implementing measures to address unconscious biases, ensuring equal access to funding opportunities, and promoting diversity in leadership positions.

Collaborative efforts: Join like-minded organizations, industry associations, and advocacy groups working towards gender equality in entrepreneurship. Collaborating and pooling resources can amplify our collective impact and drive systemic change.

Remember, using trustworthy and reliable data sources is essential for accurate analysis and decision-making. By leveraging data effectively and working together, we can create an environment where female founders have equal opportunities and thrive in business.


Access to reliable data is crucial for accurate analysis and informed business decisions. When it comes to sourcing additional data for analysis and decision-making, companies like Actowiz Solutions offer several advantages. Firstly, their data is of exceptional quality and cleanliness, which instills trust and reliability in the information.

Furthermore, Actowiz Solutions allows for the customization of datasets. By adding relevant information, such as gender data, to existing datasets, businesses can enhance their reporting and analytics, gaining deeper insights and understanding.

It's important to note that gender is just one aspect of diversity. There are various dimensions of diversity, including disability, ethnicity, religion, and gender identity. While there may be limited data on these aspects currently, it is vital to collect and incorporate all types of information to make more comprehensive and informed decisions.

Considering the benefits that Actowiz Solutions can provide, organizations should contemplate the potential value it can bring to their operations. The first step by requesting a dataset sample through their platform can open doors to leveraging data effectively and driving positive organizational change.

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