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Over the past several years, challenges such as limited inventory, fierce competition, and substantial price surges have posed significant obstacles for individuals aiming to enter the housing market. Furthermore, due to the Federal Reserve's assertive monetary policies, fixed mortgage rates have experienced notable escalation, presently hovering around 5%, as highlighted by Forbes. Consequently, numerous potential buyers need help in specific price brackets.

Given the intricate landscape of the current housing market, stakeholders within the industry are increasingly turning to technology for viable solutions to weather the storm. This shift has propelled the popularity of employing real estate APIs for web scraping. A robust API holds the potential to efficiently gather substantial volumes of precise, real-time data, empowering stakeholders to navigate the market adeptly and maintain a competitive edge.

Unveiling the Housing Market's Complexity: Beyond Price and Mortgage Rates


The challenges of high house prices and mortgage rates offer a glimpse into the intricate issues pervading the real estate landscape. Over the past few years, the world has undergone transformative shifts that have cast a shadow on the real estate sector.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The global lockdowns triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic profoundly influenced the real estate market. These disruptions curtailed overall economic activity and instigated a reevaluation of how we perceive spaces today.

The introduction of widespread work-from-home and remote work arrangements is a significant outcome of this transformation. Companies that observed consistent or improved productivity levels chose to downsize their physical offices while investing in virtual workspace infrastructure.

Another noteworthy change is the heightened sensitivity to space occupancy. People are now more conscious of crowd density, leading to investors hesitating when confronted with demands for lower occupancy levels in frequented locations. This precaution stems from the realization that accommodating the same functionalities in larger spaces, demanded by lower densities, would entail higher investor costs.

In essence, the housing market's challenges extend beyond monetary considerations, intertwined with the profound shifts brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Affordability Struggles

The National Low Income Housing Coalition highlights a concerning deficit of 7 million affordable rental homes for those with meager incomes in the U.S. While acknowledging the pressing need for more affordable housing, many are reluctant to embrace its proximity to their residences. The absence of economical dwellings contributes to soaring rents and increased prices of multifamily investment properties, creating formidable barriers to entering the housing market.

Population Movements

Both domestically and internationally, human migration significantly influences the real estate market's dynamics. However, the prevailing mobility constraints confronting the world have dampened the demand for residential, hospitality, and retail properties.

Reshaping of Spaces

The enduring impact of the pandemic on real estate design and utilization is evident. A newfound emphasis on the well-being of building occupants has spurred alterations in elements like entry points and indoor air quality. Urban planning must now incorporate this health-oriented paradigm alongside evolving capacity expectations.

Tech Aspirations

The swift integration of technology into daily life has fundamentally shifted expectations regarding property amenities. Features once considered optional have evolved into prerequisites, including:

  • Contactless access points
  • Control over airflow and recirculation
  • Health screening protocols
  • Mandatory remote building services
  • Monitoring of air and water quality
  • People-tracking within buildings

These challenges are molding the contours of the contemporary real estate landscape.

Infrastructure Concerns Impacting Real Estate Dynamics

The American Society of Civil Engineers assigns a C-minus grade to the nation's current infrastructure. The organization's official website highlights the alarming statistic of a water primary breaking every two minutes, revealing that 43% of public roadways exhibit subpar or mediocre conditions. This decline in livability disproportionately affects underserved regions, resulting in diminished real estate values and stunted development in these areas.

Amid these formidable challenges reverberating throughout the real estate market, the most effective approach to navigate this landscape involves harnessing abundant data to drive optimal decisions. Consequently, many enterprises embrace data-driven decision-making strategies to enhance profits, elevate customer satisfaction, and mitigate market risks. To realize this, a substantial volume of real-time real estate data is imperative, and this is precisely why numerous entities are turning to the practice of real estate web scraping.

Exploring Real Estate Scraping: Harnessing Data Extraction for Property Insights


Real estate scraping involves systematically acquiring extensive data from the real estate market through web-scouring tools. This practice employs automated software scripts, web crawlers, or scrapers to methodically navigate the internet landscape and retrieve pertinent real estate information.

In the ever-escalating quest for business expansion and competitive edge, realtors and agencies constantly pursue innovative and efficient tools. Real estate scraping emerges as a robust solution, offering a novel avenue to identify potential buyers, enhance sales insights, and streamline everyday business operations.

Furthermore, real estate scraping is pivotal in amassing, organizing, and navigating large datasets, a capability with versatile applications. For instance, it enables the scrutiny of common user inquiries and grievances online, paving the way for actionable resolutions. Similarly, gathered data can be extrapolated to optimize property listings and outshine competitors. Tailoring scraping parameters allows customization for precise alignment with specific requirements.

Before the advent of real estate websites, vital real estate data was accessible solely to a select group, guarded from public access by industry insiders. These reports were costly and offered a snapshot of the industry limited to the time of their release, necessitating recurrent purchases for updated insights.

Web scraping dismantles these barriers, democratizing access to substantial real estate data. This transformative practice and business intelligence tools facilitate data analysis, transformation, and prediction, offering a visualization of the market dynamics. This democratization encourages increased participation within the market.

Since a significant portion of real estate industry information is publicly available online, scraping seamlessly merges commercial and residential data, furnishing an exceptionally transparent portrayal of variables like vacancy rates, demographics, and ongoing construction types.

Simplify Data Extraction with Actowiz Solutions

Actowiz Solutions stands out as an ideal scraping service provider for conducting numerous scrapes at a consistently low flat rate per scrape. This streamlined approach eliminates the complexities often associated with intricate subscription charges or fluctuating models present in alternative tools. Furthermore, Actowiz Solutions continually introduces fresh modules, ensuring customers benefit from new functionalities crafted in response to their enhancement requests, thus elevating their overall experience.

By engaging Actowiz Solutions, the typical challenges encountered during scraping operations become obsolete concerns. Intricacies like proxy management, rotation, server administration, browser scalability, CAPTCHA resolution, and vigilant monitoring of evolving anti-scraping countermeasures by target websites are no longer burdensome. The service offers a transparent structure, void of hidden fees, monthly overheads, or perplexing pricing tiers. Moreover, a dependable support system and round-the-clock customer assistance are readily available, fostering an environment of reliability and convenience. Regular updates are seamlessly integrated to tackle emerging anti-scraping technologies.

With Actowiz Solutions, your focus can be solely dedicated to obtaining invaluable real estate data, unburdened by the technical intricacies of scraping operations.

Who Utilizes a Real Estate Database?

If you're engaging with this article, chances are you're among those who stand to gain from a web scraper that assembles a comprehensive real estate database. For those uncertain, a real estate web scraper proves invaluable for individuals aiming to optimize their returns within the housing market. This encompassing group spans real estate firms, independent agents, prospective homebuyers, and investors.

Expanding the scope further, a real estate database serves the interests of those looking to:

  • Attain comprehensive property-specific information.
  • Delve into profound analyses of the real estate sector.
  • Enhance property marketing strategies.

In essence, anyone with these inclinations would significantly profit from the ability to extract data from real estate websites and amass extensive databases brimming with current real estate insights.

How to Perform Real Estate Website Scraping?


Initiating real estate web scraping involves a structured source compilation and data extraction approach. Here's a step-by-step guide to navigate the process:

1. Compile Your Source List: Begin by outlining the purpose of your data search and curate a list of relevant sources. Familiar data sources include property listing websites, national census data, real estate platforms, and industry associations.

2. Scrape Websites: Execute scraping on the chosen websites. This involves gathering unstructured data from online sources and converting it into a structured dataset for subsequent analysis. The process generally consists of the following steps:

  • Define Scraper Parameters: Specify the target websites and data types for extraction.
  • Send a GET Request: The scraper sends a request to the website's server, specifying the desired data. The server validates the request's legitimacy and safety.
  • Receive Data: Upon approval, the server sends back data, usually in HTML or another raw format.
  • Parse Data: Convert the raw data into a structured format for easy comprehension.
  • Organize Data: Organize and structure the data according to your needs.

3. Leverage Automation: Manual scraping is time-intensive. Automated scrapers, utilizing multiple bots for swift requests, offer a more efficient solution. However, be cautious about overwhelming websites with requests, potentially slowing down or disrupting their performance.

4. Proxy Usage for Enhanced Strategy: Utilize web-scraping proxies to augment your scraping endeavors. Proxies conceal your IP address and enable requests from specific locations, offering advantages such as:

  • Accessing Location-Specific Content: Scrape websites with varying content based on geographical location.
  • Bypassing Geo-Locked Content: Overcome geographical restrictions on content.
  • Managing Request Limits: Distribute requests across various IP addresses to avoid exceeding websites' request rate limits.
  • Safeguarding Your IP: Prevent your source machine's IP from landing on website blocklists.

Employing proxies enhances efficiency and circumvents potential IP-related hurdles, contributing to a more seamless and practical real estate web scraping experience.

For those juggling multiple properties across diverse locations, the ability to access websites from various geographical points proves invaluable. This functionality enhances targeted advertising and refined marketing strategies tailored to specific regions. In the realm of real estate scraping, an array of proxy types is at your disposal, each catering to distinct needs. Among these options are:

Residential Proxies: Ethical and Efficient Web Scraping Solution

Residential proxies are the favored choice for web scraping, offering heightened efficiency by leveraging genuine IP addresses furnished by internet service providers (ISPs). This approach leads servers to perceive requests as originating from individual households rather than data centers. Given that most internet users access the web through residential IPs, these proxies carry substantial legitimacy, often avoiding website blocks. Genuine user experiences are a priority for websites, prompting them to differentiate between real users and residential IPs masquerading as bots.

Securing residential proxies directly from end-users necessitates ethical considerations to prevent any adverse impacts on IP holders. Regrettably, certain proxy providers engage in questionable practices, concealing their terms of service to confuse users. However, Actowiz Solutions stands apart.

Actowiz Solutions sets a benchmark for ethical residential proxy sourcing. Our commitment entails fully informing and compensating IP holders for proxy usage. Users maintain the right to revoke approval at any time, activating their IPs only when unused and their devices sufficiently charged or connected.

Our ethical principles extend beyond proxy acquisition to customer validation. Direct purchase of residential proxies from our website is unavailable. Prospective buyers must substantiate the legitimacy of their use case before gaining access. Once acquired, our vigilant monitoring ensures adherence to legal and ethical standards.

Actowiz Solutions' suite of residential proxies grants unhindered scraping access through an expansive IP pool. Concurrent connections face no limits, each request acquiring a distinct IP address. Our IP diversity effectively evades CAPTCHAs and anti-scraping measures deployed by websites, facilitating seamless data extraction.

Data Center Proxies: Commonality, Speed, and Limitations

Data center proxies are renowned for their widespread availability and cost-effectiveness, making them the prevalent and budget-friendly choice among proxy options. These proxies effectively mask your IP address, providing anonymity in online activities. However, it's worth noting that websites are progressively becoming more discerning when it comes to this proxy type.

With impressive speed, data center proxies are particularly advantageous for applications like gaming, where lag tolerance is crucial. Yet, they might not be the optimal choice for web scraping endeavors. The primary challenge associated with data center proxies in web scraping lies in their detectability. Websites are adept at distinguishing requests originating from data centers, contrasting them with those from ISPs. Consequently, many websites are attuned to proxy usage, possibly leading to data center IPs facing restrictions.

Utilizing data center proxies for internet access is less commonplace. Certain websites preemptively block all data center proxies, potentially hindering the initiation of scraping projects. For those that permit data center proxies, detection of bot-like behavior can prompt the banning of entire subnets, extending beyond individual IP addresses.

Choosing data center proxies for web scraping necessitates strategic decision-making. Opting for a proxy provider offering diverse options and redundancy is crucial to sidestepping proxy bans and ensuring sustained scraping activities. While data center proxies offer speed and affordability, their limitations within web scraping contexts necessitate careful selection and proactive measures to avoid disruptions.

ISP Proxies: High-Speed Solution with Enhanced Reliability

ISP proxies offer expedited website access while encountering fewer bans compared to data center proxies. Their unique advantage stems from being situated in data centers while being assigned by authentic internet service providers (ISPs). This grants them the legitimacy associated with residential proxies, all the while harnessing the swift speeds characteristic of data center proxies. The result is a seamless browsing experience devoid of suspicion. Notably, Actowiz Solutions's ISP proxies are accompanied by unlimited bandwidth and thread capacity, translating to substantial cost savings.

Actowiz Solutions stands at the forefront by presenting ISP proxies hailing from the US, UK, and Germany. This diverse range empowers users with choices tailored to their specific geographical preferences and requirements. The fusion of authentic ISP authorization and data center hosting ensures optimal performance and reliability, enabling unhindered web scraping and other online activities.

Dedicated Proxies: Enhanced Privacy with Limitations

Dedicated proxies offer exclusive access to a single user, resulting in slightly faster performance compared to shared proxies. The advantage of sole ownership over the proxy IP address extends the duration of its usage, creating a more natural online footprint as opposed to proxies shared by multiple users. These proxies are commonly employed for web browsing to maintain consistent IP addresses, avoiding the exposure of location data and personal identity. Additionally, dedicated proxies prove valuable for circumventing firewalls and geographic restrictions, areas where other proxies might encounter difficulties.

However, the key strength of dedicated proxies can also pose challenges. Due to repeated visits from the same IP address during data scraping, websites can more easily trace dedicated proxies. If blocked, dedicated proxies offer limited flexibility, and their scalability is limited when expanding operations. While an ideal choice for maintaining a single, stable IP address, dedicated proxies may not be suitable for scenarios requiring a larger volume of IPs. In such cases, alternative solutions may be more appropriate.

Semi-Dedicated Proxies: Balancing Cost and Reliability

Semi-dedicated proxies offer a compromise between private and shared proxies, accommodating up to three users per proxy. This sharing structure renders them a cost-effective alternative to dedicated proxies. Positioned as a middle ground, they strike a balance between the affordability of shared proxies and the stability associated with dedicated proxies.

By allowing multiple users to utilize the same IP address, semi-dedicated proxies minimize costs while providing enhanced reliability compared to fully shared proxies. However, it's important to note that sharing an IP address, even with a limited number of users, can impact the overall dependability. In scenarios where another user encounters issues or flags on a particular website, these consequences might extend to your activities, potentially resulting in blocks or slowdowns. Additionally, the shared bandwidth characteristic of semi-dedicated proxies can influence performance metrics.

Semi-dedicated proxies emerge as a viable solution for those seeking to strike a balance between affordability and stability. While they offer cost savings and improved dependability compared to fully shared proxies, users must be cognizant of the potential impacts of sharing resources.

Proxy Integration with APIs: Streamlining Connectivity

An API (Application Programming Interface) serves as an interactive bridge that facilitates communication between various software applications, enabling seamless interactions between devices such as computers and phones with servers that store and manage data. APIs can enhance proxy management by presenting an interface that simplifies tasks compared to conventional proxy dashboards.

APIs consolidate multiple interactions across diverse programs into unified operations, eliminating the need for individual actions. For instance, when dealing with extensive real estate databases like property listings websites, traditional processes involve requesting listings in a specific location and subsequently filtering results based on criteria like price and amenities. A proxy API streamlines this process by autonomously gathering and presenting the information in a coherent format.

Proxy APIs offer functionalities beyond basic IP inclusion or exclusion, even for users with limited coding knowledge. The interface enables access to proxy services and settings, along with the ability to monitor the traffic handled by each proxy. An effective proxy API empowers users to request new proxies directly from their providers, reducing downtime caused by blocked proxies. Furthermore, it facilitates regular proxy rotation to prevent overuse of individual IP addresses. Through periodic API calls, the proxy dashboard can ensure that IP addresses are switched at appropriate intervals, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

Choosing the Right Real Estate API: Key Considerations

Now that you're acquainted with the concept of a real estate API, you might be curious about how to select the most suitable one for your needs. With a variety of real estate APIs available, each offering different features, making the right choice requires attention to crucial factors. Remember that the primary goal of utilizing an API is to simplify web scraping through proxies. Here are essential aspects to assess when evaluating your options:

  • Accessibility: Choose an API that offers a user-friendly interface, making engagement straightforward and avoiding overwhelming users with unnecessary complexities.
  • Budget: While quality comes at a cost, ensure that the chosen API fits within your budget. It's wise to opt for a more affordable or free API if it meets your needs rather than exceeding your budget with unnecessary features.
  • Consistency: Opt for an API that offers consistent performance, as this can streamline your development processes and reduce deployment risks.
  • Data Quality: Select an API that delivers high-quality data without duplicates or noise, ensuring accurate and reliable results.
  • Discoverability: Evaluate how intuitively the API can be understood and learned, especially if you're not well-versed in real estate listings APIs.
  • Documentation: Look for an API with comprehensive and well-organized documentation that clearly explains its functionality for you and other users.
  • Monitoring: If you're using a third-party API, ensure that it's regularly monitored to prevent potential data outages and ensure continuous performance.
  • Support: Prioritize APIs with responsive customer support to swiftly address any errors or issues, minimizing potential data, time, and financial losses.

By evaluating these factors, you can confidently choose a real estate API that aligns with your goals, enhances efficiency, and simplifies the web scraping process using proxies.

Utilizing Real Estate Data Effectively

Achieving success in the real estate market hinges on accurate data. Whether you're searching for available properties or making informed decisions, web scraping offers a quicker and more efficient way to enhance your process. Instead of relying on a single trustworthy source, you can harness web scraping to gather vast quantities of current, precise, and reliable real estate data.

Typical information gathered through real estate scraping includes details like:

  • Amenities
  • Average rental price
  • Average sale price
  • Location
  • Neighborhood advantages
  • Property agent
  • Property type
  • Square footage

Long-Term Capital Gain

For more comprehensive searches, you can also collect additional property information, such as:

  • Construction permit data
  • Crime and safety statistics in the area
  • Foreclosure and auction listings

Once you have this data, you can delve into actionable insights through data mining, involving steps like data preparation, cleaning, classification, pattern tracking, anomaly detection, and constructing decision trees. This process is often carried out using specialized tools and algorithms for efficient analysis.

Real estate data analysis takes various forms, each serving a unique purpose. Here are some types of real estate data analytics to consider:

  • Descriptive Analytics: Examining trends over a specific period to understand past occurrences, such as evaluating the growth of a property's rental income over the past decade.
  • Diagnostic Analytics: Delving into historical data to uncover the reasons behind specific events, like investigating why a rental property experiences high turnover rates.
  • Predictive Analytics: Using observations from descriptive and diagnostic analytics to forecast market changes and trends.
  • Prescriptive Analytics: Identifying actions required to capitalize on opportunities or avoid future issues, such as determining the optimal number of bedrooms and bathrooms for a rental property.

While various forms of analysis offer valuable insights, implementing prescriptive analytics can be complex, involving sophisticated technologies like algorithms and machine learning.

Regardless of the analysis type, data mining and analysis can yield numerous benefits, such as:

  • Enhancing customer management techniques by understanding consumption habits and retaining clients
  • Identifying market trends through overall real estate investment and individual income analysis
  • Predicting market fluctuations by studying historical patterns and influencing factors

By effectively leveraging real estate data, you can optimize your return on investment, refine your market strategies, and make informed decisions in a dynamic real estate landscape.

Advantages of Real Estate Scraping


In a recent survey conducted by the National Association of Realtors, it was revealed that 41% of real estate searches commence online, with 95% of individuals utilizing online tools during their property search journey. These figures are expected to rise over time. The internet stands as a cornerstone of the real estate market, hosting a wealth of real estate data.

However, manually sifting through this extensive data to draw actionable insights demands both time and resources. This is where real estate scraping comes into play, streamlining the process and providing real-time access to a plethora of data. The benefits of real estate data scraping are manifold, and here are some compelling use cases for both buyers and sellers in the housing market:

Housing Market Research

The arduous process of searching for houses and considering various options over an extended period can be expedited through a real estate data API. This facilitates thorough exploration of available properties, ensuring no potential options are overlooked. Moreover, real-time data collection offers a clearer understanding of the current market and emerging trends, facilitating more informed buying and selling decisions.

Accurate Appraisals

Accurate property appraisal is crucial for both buying and selling. A real estate listings API can provide precise information about sales of comparable properties in the vicinity, enabling appraisers to offer accurate price estimates swiftly.

Market Prediction

Anticipating the optimal time to sell properties is paramount for maximizing profits. By analyzing data related to market cycles, price trends, and purchasing patterns, you can identify properties poised for value growth or stagnation. This empowers you to predict market trends, forecast returns on investment, and plan sales strategies accordingly.

Price Optimization

Scrutinizing competitor data for similar properties can help establish a pricing strategy that attracts more customers while reflecting the property's value. Additionally, understanding local factors influencing price, such as crime rates and accessibility to public transport, empowers you to set competitive prices.

Maximizing Rental Yields

Analyzing historical rental yields for properties in specific areas aids in identifying properties with the highest potential rental yield, ensuring optimal returns on investment. Identifying common factors among high-yield properties enables you to pinpoint additional properties with similar potential.

Enhancing Long-Term Sustainability

Sustainability features are increasingly sought after by buyers willing to pay a premium. By identifying climate-conscious features that add value, like solar panels and smart-home technology, you can make informed investment decisions aligned with sustainability trends.

Analyzing Homebuyer Sentiment

Extracting insights from homebuyer reviews and rankings on listings websites reveals valuable information about buyer preferences, property features, and market trends. This data can guide marketing efforts and predict market shifts.

Lead Generation

Scraping contact data from various sources assists real estate businesses in generating leads. This includes potential sellers, investors, realtor partners, and commercial property owners. Algorithms can be tailored to align with revenue goals and conversion rates.

Advertisement Targeting

Utilizing proxies to target specific geographic areas enables tailored advertising campaigns that resonate with homebuyer expectations and regional preferences.

Data Exchange

Setting up web scraping to obtain data from partner agencies facilitates data exchange and listing properties seamlessly on your website.

Monitoring Vacancy Rates

Scraping data allows for in-depth analysis of rental cycles, vacancy rates, and property performance, aiding in accurate rent estimates and investment decisions.

Incorporating real estate scraping into your operations opens doors to data-driven insights, optimizing your decision-making, enhancing marketing efforts, and ultimately increasing your success within the dynamic real estate realm.

Limitations of Real Estate APIs


While the advantages of scraping real estate data are substantial, it's essential to be aware of potential challenges that can arise in the realm of real estate web scraping. These challenges encompass:

Crawling Restrictions

Some websites employ measures to prevent web scraping, including disallowing crawling bots. Overcoming this obstacle may require an advanced web scraper capable of simulating human browsing behaviors.

Complex Page Structure

Web scrapers rely on established website conventions to extract data accurately. Websites with intricate or variable page structures can pose difficulties in parsing and extracting data effectively.

Dynamic Content

Modern websites often employ dynamic content features such as lazy loading images, infinite scrolling, and interactive buttons. These features can impede conventional scrapers' ability to navigate and retrieve data.

Login Requirements

Websites with protected information might mandate user login credentials. Overcoming this hurdle involves utilizing cookies to maintain an authenticated session while scraping.

CAPTCHA Challenges

CAPTCHA checks are designed to differentiate between humans and automated scrapers. Many scrapers struggle to bypass CAPTCHA checks, potentially halting the scraping process until manual intervention occurs.

Honeypot Traps

Honeypot traps are hidden elements, detectable by scrapers but not visible to users. If a scraper triggers a honeypot, the website might identify it as automated and subsequently block its IP address.

Ongoing Maintenance

Regular vigilance is required to monitor the websites being scraped. Changes in HTML structure or content can disrupt the scraping process. Timely updates are crucial to ensure uninterrupted access to the required data.

Diverse Systems

Integrating an API across multiple platforms can pose challenges due to varying logic and systems. Troubleshooting and debugging may necessitate a comprehensive understanding of the integrated systems.

It's important to acknowledge these limitations and develop strategies to address them effectively. By doing so, you can navigate the complexities of real estate web scraping and harness the wealth of data available to make informed decisions in the ever-evolving real estate landscape.

Final Thoughts: Position Yourself for Success in Real Estate

Whether you're an aspiring buyer, a seller, or an individual keen on understanding the current housing market trends, utilizing a real estate proxy for web scraping can be a game-changer. It equips you with the insights needed to navigate the dynamic real estate landscape, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and optimize your strategies for success.

In the midst of the intricate nuances of the real estate market, employing a real estate API in conjunction with a proxy can further streamline your journey. You can bypass the intricacies of complex coding and dedicate more time to the profound analysis of the gathered data, empowering you to make well-informed decisions.

For those interested in exploring these possibilities and seeking tailored solutions, Actowiz Solutions is at your service. Feel free to reach out to us for more information on our offerings and to discuss any unique requirements you might have. Your journey to real estate success begins with harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology and data-driven insights. You can also reach us for all your mobile app scraping, instant data scraper and web scraping service requirements.


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