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The power of pre-made language models including ChatGPT extends beyond just generating human-like replies. Companies like Canva, Meta, and Shopify have already harnessed this technology in the client service chatbot systems. Similarly, the application of ChatGPT in web scraping holds immense potential for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of data extraction processes. In this blog, we will explore the synergies between web scraping and ChatGPT, unveiling the numerous use cases where their combination can unlock new opportunities and streamline workflows.

Tutorial: Web Scraping with ChatGPT

In this tutorial, we will explore how to leverage ChatGPT-4 to extract product data from e-commerce websites. Specifically, we'll focus on scraping product details from Amazon web pages.

Scraping Amazon Product Pages with ChatGPT

Let's take a practical example by targeting the Amazon product page for gaming mice. This page contains valuable information such as product titles, images, ratings, and prices. However, please note that ChatGPT is not capable of directly scraping data from websites.

Instead, if you provide a prompt like "scrape the product price information from this website: [paste the URL]," ChatGPT will not perform the scraping itself. Rather, it will guide you on writing the necessary code to extract data from the target website (Figure 1).


To extract the product titles shown in the provided image (Figure 2), we need to examine the structure of the web page. Follow these steps to inspect the elements and analyze the HTML code, enabling us to locate the necessary data for web scraping:


To extract the desired data from the image provided (Figure 3), we need to identify the corresponding HTML element and its attributes. In this case, the element of interest has a "class" attribute that we can utilize in our web scraping library.


To scrape the product titles from the Amazon search results page, it is crucial to identify the target elements and their attributes. This information will help ChatGPT understand the specific information we need and how to locate it on the target website.

The prompt used to scrape the product titles from the Amazon search results page could be:


The code generated by ChatGPT for data extraction:


Applications of ChatGPT in Web Scraping:

1. Code Generation for Web Scraping

Language models like ChatGPT can assist developers in generating code snippets for web scraping tasks using their preferred programming language and library. By providing specific instructions and prompts, developers can leverage ChatGPT's capabilities to generate code for extracting data from websites.

However, it's important to note that websites can undergo structural changes over time, which may impact the HTML elements and attributes targeted by the code. Regular monitoring and updates to the scraping code are necessary to ensure its continued functionality and extraction of the desired data.

For instance, you can use the following prompt to extract product description data from a specific Amazon product page:


Acknowledging that many websites implement anti-scraping measures to deter web scraping activities is crucial. As a responsible web scraper, it is essential to adhere to ethical standards and respect the policies of the websites you intend to scrape.

Before initiating any web scraping activity, it is essential to:

Review Website Terms of Services: Carefully read and understand the website terms of service you plan to scrape. A few websites clearly forbid scraping, whereas others might have precise restrictions or guidelines that you have to follow.

Check the Robots.txt File: The robots.txt file is a standard practice for websites to communicate their preferred crawling behavior to web robots. Check the robots.txt file of the target website to understand if scraping is permitted or restricted for specific pages or directories.

Respect Rate Limiting: Websites may impose rate limits to prevent excessive scraping that can overload their servers. Ensure that your scraping activities respect these limits and do not put undue strain on the website's resources.

Preserve User Privacy: When scraping websites, be mindful of any personal or sensitive data that may be present. Take appropriate measures to protect user privacy and comply with data protection regulations.

By adhering to these ethical guidelines and conducting web scraping activities responsibly, you can maintain a positive and respectful approach toward data extraction from websites.


Boost the effectiveness of your web scraping projects by integrating an unblocking technology into your web crawler. Actowiz Solutions offers the Web Unlocker, a powerful solution that enables businesses and individuals to collect data from web sources in an ethical and legal manner, while effectively bypassing anti-scraping measures.


1.1 Python Instructions for Web Scraping

To scrape data from web sources using Python, you can follow these step-by-step instructions. In this example, we will use the requests library to fetch the webpage's content and Beautiful Soup to parse and extract the desired data.


You can utilize a Python code produced by ChatGPT for importing Beautiful Soup and requests.


To fetch the content of the target web page using the requests library in Python, you can execute the following command in your Python environment. Replace "" with the URL of the specific product page you want to scrape:


After fetching the content of a web page using the requests library, you can proceed to parse the fetched data using the Beautiful Soup library in Python.


When scraping an e-commerce website to extract product data, such as product titles, it is essential to inspect the product page's HTML structure to identify the relevant tags and attributes associated with the desired data. Once you have located the necessary elements, you can proceed to save or print the scraped data using the code generated by ChatGPT.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to scrape and print the product titles using Beautiful Soup:


2. Clean Scraped Data

To extract the first name from a full name in Excel, you can utilize a formula generated by ChatGPT. This formula will help separate the first and last names into two different columns.

Assuming the full name is in column B, you can enter this formula in a new column (e.g., C) and drag it down to apply it to the rest of the data. The formula uses the LEFT function to extract the characters from the beginning of the full name until it encounters the first space (" "). The FIND function is used to locate the position of the first space, and by subtracting 1, we extract the characters before the space, representing the first name.

By using this formula, you can separate the first names from the full names in your Excel data and organize it accordingly.


The ChatGPT-produced formula to scrape last name:


3. Process Scraped Data

3.1 Do Sentiment Analysis

To do sentiment analysis on extracted data using ChatGPT, you can command it to analyze text data as well as label that as neutral, negative, or positive. This can provide valuable insights from the unstructured text data you have collected.

Here's an example instruction you can use to analyze social mentions of your brand and determine the sentiment:

"Perform sentiment analysis on the social media mentions of our brand. The scraped data has been cleaned and is ready for analysis. Label the text data as negative, neutral, or positive to gain insights into audience sentiment and growth."

By providing this instruction, ChatGPT can leverage its language understanding capabilities to analyze the text data and generate interpretable insights regarding the sentiment of the social mentions. This can help you understand how your brand is perceived and track audience sentiment and growth effectively.


When instructed to perform sentiment analysis on the text "The battery life is also long," ChatGPT's response may vary. Here's an example response:

"Based on the given text, 'The battery life is also long,' the sentiment can be interpreted as positive. The mention of 'long' suggests a favorable characteristic of the battery life, indicating a positive sentiment."

It's important to note that ChatGPT's response is generated based on its understanding of the text and general sentiment analysis patterns. The interpretation of sentiment may vary depending on the specific context and the underlying sentiment analysis model used.


Please note that the accuracy of sentiment analysis can vary based on various factors, including the complexity of the text and the presence of context-dependent errors. Sentiment analysis models are trained on large datasets and attempt to classify the sentiment of text accurately. However, challenges may arise when analyzing subjective or nuanced language, sarcasm, or ambiguous statements. It's essential to interpret sentiment analysis results with caution and consider them as probabilistic indications rather than definitive judgments. Contextual understanding and human review can further enhance the accuracy and reliability of sentiment analysis.

3.2 Categorize Extracted Content

As an example, we want to categorize the following content:

Content: "The latest smartphone model has a high-resolution display, powerful processor, and advanced camera features."

To categorize this content using ChatGPT, you can provide the following instruction:

"Categorize the given content into predefined categories. The content to be categorized is: 'The latest smartphone model has a high-resolution display, powerful processor, and advanced camera features.'"

By defining specific categories that you want to classify the content into, ChatGPT can generate suggestions or assign the most appropriate category based on its understanding of the content. The actual categories and the resulting categorization will depend on the instructions and guidelines provided to ChatGPT.


Here is the output to categorize extracted data using ChatGPT:


For more detailed information, please feel free to contact Actowiz Solutions. We are here to assist you with all your web scraping, mobile app scraping, or instant data scraper service requirements. Get in touch with us today to discuss your specific needs and how we can help you efficiently extract valuable data from various sources.


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