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In today's data-driven world, web scraping has become essential for gathering valuable information from websites. This blog will discuss how to use Python to do web scraping and extract product data from Costco website. Specifically, we will focus on the "Electronics" category, emphasizing the "Audio/Video" subcategory. We aim to extract critical features such as product name, color, brand, item ID, connection type, model, category, price, and description for every electronic device.

Critical Features to Extract: From the selected category of products, we will extract the following features:

Product Name: The name of an electronic device which appears on a website.

Brand: The brand name of the electronic device.

Product URL: The URL of an electronic device.

Color: The color of the electronic device.

Item ID: A unique identifier assigned to each specific electronic device.

Category: The category type to which the product belongs, selected from the four subcategories under Audio/Video.

Connection Type: The method by which the device connects to other devices or systems.

Price: The cost of the electronic device.

Model: The specific version or variant of the electronic device.

Description: A comprehensive overview of the device's functionality and key features.

To achieve this, we will utilize Python and the following libraries: BeautifulSoup and requests.

Please note that web scraping should be done responsibly and in compliance with the website's terms of service. Always respect the website's policies and ensure your scraping activities are legal and ethical.

How to Scrape Costco Products Data?

Before scraping Costco's product data, we must set up our environment by installing the necessary libraries and dependencies. In this tutorial, we will use Python for scraping and two popular libraries: Beautiful Soup and Selenium. Beautiful Soup enables us to parse HTML and XML documents, while Selenium automates web browsers for testing and scraping purposes.

Once we have installed the required libraries, we will examine the website's structure to identify the specific elements we need to extract. This involves inspecting the website's HTML code and identifying the relevant tags and attributes that contain the desired data.

Armed with this information, we will begin writing our Python code to scrape the website. We will leverage Beautiful Soup to extract the data and Selenium to automate the necessary browser actions for scraping. After completing the script, we will execute it and save the scraped data to a CSV file, facilitating easy analysis and further processing.

Let's dive into the process step-by-step:

Install the required libraries:

Python (version 3.x recommended)

Beautiful Soup library: Install using pip install beautifulsoup4

Selenium library: Install using pip install selenium

Examine the website structure:

Inspect the HTML code of the Costco website.

Identify the specific HTML tags and attributes that contain the desired product data, such as name, brand, price, etc.

Write the scraping script:

Import the necessary libraries (Beautiful Soup, Selenium, and others).

Use Selenium to automate browser actions (e.g., navigating to pages, scrolling, etc.).

Utilize Beautiful Soup to extract the desired data from the HTML code.

Structure the extracted data in a suitable format (e.g., lists, dictionaries).

Optionally, implement error handling and pagination logic if required.

Save the data:

Write the scraped data to a CSV file using Python's CSV module or pandas library.

Ensure that the data is properly formatted and organized in rows and columns.

Run the scraping script:

Execute the Python script from the command line or an integrated development environment (IDE).

Monitor the scraping process and check for any errors or issues.

Wait for the script to finish scraping all the desired data.

Following these steps, you can use Python to scrape Costco's product data efficiently and effectively. Remember to respect the website's terms of service and adhere to ethical scraping practices.

Install Necessary Packages:


Various libraries and tools play crucial roles in extracting and manipulating data from websites in web scraping. Here are some essential libraries and tools used in the context of scraping Costco's product data:

Pandas: Pandas are a powerful library for data manipulation and analysis. It is commonly used to store and manipulate the scraped data. In this scenario, Pandas converts the scraped data from a dictionary to a DataFrame format, which is more suitable for data manipulation and analysis. Additionally, it enables saving the DataFrame as a CSV file, making it easily accessible for further use in other software.

lxml: The lxml library is designed to process XML and HTML documents. In web scraping, lxml is employed to parse the HTML or XML content of the web page. Here, lxml is used with the Element Tree module (abbreviated as 'et') from the lxml library. This combination facilitates the navigation and search within the tree-like structure of the HTML document, enabling the extraction of desired data.

BeautifulSoup: BeautifulSoup is a popular library used for web scraping. It simplifies extracting information from web pages by providing convenient methods to parse HTML or XML content. In this context, BeautifulSoup is used to parse the HTML content obtained from the web page, allowing for easy extraction of the desired data.

Selenium: Selenium is a powerful library that enables browser automation. It automates interacting with web pages by clicking buttons, filling out forms, and navigating to specific URLs. Selenium works with a web driver, a package used to interact with web browsers. We can control the browser and execute JavaScript commands by utilizing Selenium with a web driver. In this scenario, Selenium is utilized to automate the interaction with the Costco web page, allowing us to retrieve the web page's source code for subsequent parsing and analysis.

By leveraging these libraries and tools, we can efficiently scrape Costco's product data and perform various data manipulation and analysis tasks on the extracted information. Familiarizing yourself with these libraries and their functionalities is essential to carry out web scraping projects effectively.

driver = webdriver.Firefox()

When working with Selenium, creating an instance of a web driver is a crucial step. A web driver class enables interaction with a specific web browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. By creating a web driver instance, we gain control over the chosen browser and can simulate user actions on web pages.

This line of code establishes a connection between your Python script and the Chrome browser, allowing you to programmatically automate tasks and interact with web pages.

Once you have the web driver instance, you can perform various actions, such as navigating to different pages, interacting with elements on the page, filling out forms, and extracting the desired information. Selenium and the web driver empower you to automate tasks and efficiently gather data.

By leveraging the power of Selenium and web drivers, you can unlock the full potential of web scraping, automating your data collection process with ease and precision.

Understand Functions of Web Scraping

This section will provide an overview of the functions defined for the web scraping process. We improve code organization, reusability, and maintainability by breaking down the code into smaller functions.

By modularizing the code with these functions, we enhance the readability and maintainability of our web scraping script. Each function has a clear responsibility, making it easier to understand and debug the codebase. Additionally, these functions can be reused in other scraping projects with minimal modifications, improving code reusability.

Remember, depending on the complexity of the scraping task; you may need to define additional functions or modify the existing ones to suit your specific requirements. Adapt and customize the code as necessary to meet your scraping needs.

Function for extracting content:


Extract_content is defined to facilitate extracting information from a web page. This function takes a single argument, URL, representing the page URL to be scraped. Here is an explanation of how the function works:

Using Selenium, the function navigates to the specified URL using the web driver instance.

It retrieves the page source of the loaded web page.

The page source is parsed into a BeautifulSoup object using the lxml parser. This allows for easy traversal and extraction of information from the HTML structure.

The parsed HTML is converted to an Element Tree object using et.HTML(). This conversion enables efficient navigation and searching within the tree-like structure of the HTML document.

The resulting Element Tree object, often called the DOM (Document Object Model), can explore and extract the desired information from the page.

Encapsulating this functionality within the extract_content function makes it easier to navigate and search the HTML document's structure using the capabilities provided by the lxml parser and Element Tree. This allows for efficient extraction of the required data, ensuring the scraping process is accurate and effective.

Function for clicking on the URL:


Extract_content is defined to facilitate extracting information from a web page. This function takes a single argument, URL, representing the page URL to be scraped. Here is an explanation of how the function works:

Using Selenium, the function navigates to the specified URL using the web driver instance.

It retrieves the page source of the loaded web page.

The page source is parsed into a BeautifulSoup object using the lxml parser. This allows for easy traversal and extraction of information from the HTML structure.

The parsed HTML is converted to an Element Tree object using et.HTML(). This conversion enables efficient navigation and searching within the tree-like structure of the HTML document.

The resulting Element Tree object, often called the DOM (Document Object Model), can explore and extract the desired information from the page.

Encapsulating this functionality within the extract_content function makes it easier to navigate and search the HTML document's structure using the capabilities provided by the lxml parser and Element Tree. This allows for efficient extraction of the required data, ensuring the scraping process is accurate and effective.

This function uses the find_element() method with By.XPATH to locate the “'Audio/Video” category link from the Costco electronics website and click() method to navigate to that page. This function helps us in navigating to any particular link on a website just by clicking it and then extracting the contents of that page. rewrite

The function you described utilizes the find_element() method with By.XPATH to locate the link corresponding to the "Audio/Video" category on the Costco electronics website. Once the link is found, the click() method is used to navigate to that page. This function enables us to move to the desired link on the website by simulating a user click and extracting the contents of that page.

Here is an example showcasing how this function can be implemented:

pythonCopy code

from selenium. web import By

def navigate_to_audio_video_category(driver):

# Find the link for the "Audio/Video" category using XPath

audio_video_link = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//a[contains(text(),'Audio/Video')]")

# Click on the "Audio/Video" link to navigate to the corresponding page

In this function, the driver represents the web driver instance previously initialized using find_element() with the appropriate By.XPATH locator strategy, we can locate the link for the "Audio/Video" category on the webpage. Afterward, the click() method is called on the located element, triggering the navigation to the desired page.

Once the function is executed, the web driver will have moved to the "Audio/Video" category page, allowing further actions, such as extracting the contents of that page or performing additional navigation and scraping tasks specific to that category.


Function for extracting category links:


After navigating to the Audio/Video category on the Costco website, the following function extracts the links of the four subcategories displayed. We can identify elements with specific attributes that contain the desired information by analyzing the HTML structure.

In this function, dom represents the Element Tree object or DOM obtained from the web page using BeautifulSoup and lxml parser. Using the xpath() method on the dom object, we can perform an XPath query to select elements matching the specified XPath expression.

The XPath expression //div[contains(@class, 'categoryclist_v2')]//a/@href searches for all elements that are descendants of elements with the class attribute containing the value "categoryclist_v2". It then extracts each matching element's href attribute value, corresponding to the subcategory links displayed on the page.

The extracted subcategory links can be further processed or stored for subsequent scraping tasks. For example, you can iterate through the links and navigate to each subcategory page to extract more specific product information.

By utilizing the xpath() method and appropriate XPath expressions, we can precisely locate and extract the desired elements from the HTML structure, enabling focused and targeted scraping operations.


Function for extracting product links:

With the four subcategory links obtained, we can scrape the product links under each category. This will allow us to gather information about each product for further analysis.


Certainly! Here's the revised description of the function that utilizes the category_links() and extract_content() functions and uses the xpath() method to extract the links of the products under each subcategory.

In this updated version, the scrape_product_links() function inputs the driver instance and subcategory_links. It iterates through each subcategory link, navigates to the corresponding subcategory page using the navigate_to_subcategory() function, and then calls the extract_product_links() function to extract the links of the products displayed on that page.

The navigate_to_subcategory() function calls the category_links() function, which we assume is responsible for navigating to the subcategory page.

The extract_product_links() function utilizes the xpath() method of the content object (obtained from the extract_content() function) to select all the product links. The XPath expression selects all the href attributes of the elements that are descendants of elements with the automation-id attribute equal to "productList," whose href attribute ends with ".html."

Using these functions together, you can navigate to each subcategory page, extract the links of the products under each subcategory, and accumulate them in the product_links list for further processing.

Function for extracting product name:

With the links of all the products obtained, we will now proceed to scrape the necessary features of each product. The function uses a try-except block to handle any errors that may occur while extracting the features.


Certainly! Here's an updated description of the function that incorporates error handling using a try-except block when scraping the features of each product.

In this updated version, the scrape_product_details() function inputs the driver instance and the product_links. It iterates through each product link, navigates to the corresponding product page using a driver.get(), and then calls the extract_product_info() function to extract the necessary features of the product.

Inside the extract_product_info() function, the necessary features of the product are extracted using the xpath() method of the content object (obtained from the extract_content() function). This example shows how to extract the product name, brand, and color, but you can add additional features by modifying the XPath expressions.

A try-except block handles any exceptions that may occur during the scraping process. If an error occurs, the exception is caught, and an error message is printed, indicating the problematic product link and the error message.

The product details are stored in a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains the extracted features of a single product. Finally, the product_details list is returned, which can be further processed or saved as desired.

By incorporating error handling in this way, you can continue the scraping process even if some products encounter errors and have visibility into which products caused the errors for debugging purposes.

Function for extracting a product brand:


In this updated version, the extract_product_info() function now handles the case when the brand name is unavailable. Here's what changed:

The XPath expression //span[@itemprop='brand']/text() is used to select the text of the element that has the itemprop attribute equal to "brand".

The selected brand elements are stored in the brand_elements list.

If the brand_elements list is not empty, meaning a brand name is available, the first element is assigned to the brand variable. Otherwise, the default value "Brand is not available" is assigned.

The rest of the code remains the same, extracting other features as needed and storing them in the product_info dictionary.

By incorporating this logic, the function ensures that the "brand" value in the product_info dictionary is either the extracted brand name or the default value if the brand name is not available. This allows for consistent handling of missing brand information during the scraping process.

Function for extracting product price:


In this updated version, the extract_product_info() function now handles the case when the price is unavailable. Here's what changed:

The XPath expression //div[@automation-id='productPriceOutput']/text() is used to select the text of the element that has the automation-id attribute equal to "productPriceOutput".

The selected price elements are stored in the price_elements list.

If the price_elements list is not empty, meaning a price is available, the first element is assigned to the price variable. Otherwise, the default value "Price is not available" is assigned.

The rest of the code remains the same, extracting other features as needed and storing them in the product_info dictionary.

By incorporating this logic, the function ensures that the "price" value in the product_info dictionary is either the extracted price or the default value if the price is unavailable. This allows for consistent handling of missing price information during the scraping process.

Function for extracting product item Id:


In this updated version, the extract_product_info() function now handles the case when the product ID is unavailable. Here's what changed:

The XPath expression //span[@id='item-no']/text() is used to select the text of the element that has the id attribute equal to "item-no".

The selected item ID elements are stored in the item_id_elements list.

If the item_id_elements list is not empty, meaning an item ID is available, the first element is assigned to the item_id variable. Otherwise, the default value "Item ID is unavailable" is assigned.

The rest of the code remains the same, extracting other features as needed and storing them in the product_info dictionary.

By incorporating this logic, the function ensures that the "item_id" value in the product_info dictionary is either the extracted item ID or the default value if the item ID is unavailable. This allows for consistently handling missing item ID information during the scraping process.

Function for extracting product description:


In this updated version, the extract_product_info() function now handles the case when the product description is unavailable. Here's what changed:

The XPath expression //div[@automation-id='productDetailsOutput']/text() is used to select the text of the element that has the automation-id attribute equal to "productDetailsOutput".

The selected description elements are stored in the description_elements list.

If the description_elements list is not empty, meaning a description is available, the first element is assigned to the description variable. Otherwise, the default value "Description is not available" is assigned.

The rest of the code remains the same, extracting other features as needed and storing them in the product_info dictionary.

By incorporating this logic, the function ensures that the "description" value in the product_info dictionary is either the extracted product description or the default value if the description is unavailable. This allows for consistent handling of missing description information during the scraping process.

Function for extracting a product model:

In this updated version, the extract_product_info() function now handles the case when the product model is unavailable. Here's what changed:

The XPath expression //span[@id='model-no']/text() is used to select the text of the element that has the id attribute equal to "model-no".

The selected model elements are stored in the model_elements list.

If the model_elements list is not empty, meaning a model is available, the first element is assigned to the model variable. Otherwise, the default value "Model is not available" is assigned.

The rest of the code remains the same, extracting other features as needed and storing them in the product_info dictionary.

By incorporating this logic, the function ensures that the "model" value in the product_info dictionary is either the extracted product model or the default value if the model is unavailable. This allows for consistent handling of missing model information during the scraping process.


Function for extracting product connection type:


In this updated version, the extract_product_info() function now handles the case when the product connection type is unavailable. Here's what changed:

The XPath expression //text()[contains(., 'Connection Type')]/following-sibling::div[1] is used to select the first div element that is the following sibling of the element containing the text "Connection Type".

The selected connection type element is stored in the connection_type_element list.

If the connection_type_element list is not empty, meaning a connection type is available, the text of the first element is assigned to the connection_type variable after stripping any leading or trailing whitespace. Otherwise, the default value "Connection type is not available" is assigned.

The rest of the code remains the same, extracting other features as needed and storing them in the product_info dictionary.

By incorporating this logic, the function ensures that the "connection_type" value in the product_info dictionary is either the extracted product connection type or the default value if the connection type is unavailable. This allows for consistent handling of missing connection-type information during the scraping process.

Function for extracting product category type:


In this updated version, the extract_product_info() function now handles the case when the product category is unavailable. Here's what changed:

The XPath expression (//span[@itemprop='name'])[10]/text() is used to select the text of the 10th element that has the itemprop attribute equal to "name".

The selected category elements are stored in the category_elements list.

If the category_elements list is not empty, meaning a category is available, the first element is assigned to the category variable. Otherwise, the default value "Category is not available" is assigned.

The rest of the code remains the same, extracting other features as needed and storing them in the product_info dictionary.

By incorporating this logic, the function ensures that the "category" value in the product_info dictionary is either the extracted product category or the default value if the category is unavailable. This allows for consistent handling of missing category information during the scraping process.

Function for extracting product color:


In this updated version, the extract_product_info() function now handles the case when the product color is unavailable. Here's what changed:

The XPath expression //text()[contains(., 'Color')]/following-sibling::div[1] is used to select the first div element that is the following sibling of the element containing the text "Color".

The selected color element is stored in the color_element list.

If the color_element list is not empty, meaning a color is available, the text of the first element is assigned to the color variable after stripping any leading or trailing whitespace. Otherwise, the default value "Color is not available" is assigned.

The rest of the code remains the same, extracting other features as needed and storing them in the product_info dictionary.

By incorporating this logic, the function ensures that the "color" value in the product_info dictionary is either the extracted product color or the default value if the color is unavailable. This allows for consistent handling of missing color information during the scraping process.

Starting Scraping Procedure: Bring it all together

With the conclusion of defining required functions, we will start the scraping procedure by successively calling all the formerly defined functions for retrieving the required data.


In this code, we create an instance of the Chrome web driver using webdriver.Chrome() and navigate the Costco electronics categories page using a driver.get("").

Then, we call the click_url() function to click on the "Audio/Video" category link, passing the driver object and the category name "Audio/Video" as arguments. The function will perform the click action and return the Audio/Video category page URL, which we'll store in the audio_video_category_url variable. This URL will be used to extract the HTML content of the page and proceed with further scraping.


In this code, we first create an empty list called data to store the scraped data.

Within the scraping process (assuming it's done within a loop), we create a dictionary product_data with the required columns as keys and their corresponding scraped values.

We then append the product_data dictionary to the data list.

Finally, we create a DataFrame df from the data list, specifying the column names as a list of strings.

You can modify the column names or add more columns to the DataFrame as needed.


In this code, after creating the product_data dictionary, we call the product_links() function, passing the url_content as an argument. This function extracts the links of all the products under the subcategories and returns a list of product URLs.

We then assign the list of product URLs to the 'product_url' key in the product_data dictionary.

Finally, we append the product_data dictionary to the data list and create the DataFrame df with the updated 'product_url' column.


In this code, we use a for loop to iterate through each row (product) in 'data' DataFrame.

For each product, we extract product URL using 'product_url' column.

We then call the extract_content() function to retrieve the HTML content of the product page.

After that, we call the previously defined functions (e.g., extract_model(), extract_brand(), etc.) to scrape the specific features from the product content.

Finally, we assign the scraped values to particular columns of a DataFrame at the detailed index using at method.

By the end of the loop, the 'data' DataFrame will contain all the scraped information for every product.


With this code, the 'data' DataFrame is exported to a CSV file using the to_csv() method. The index=False parameter ensures that the index column is not included in the exported CSV file.

The resulting CSV file, named 'costco_data.csv', will contain all the scraped information for each product, making it easy to access, manipulate, and analyze the data using other software or tools.


Web scraping has become a crucial skill in today's data-driven world, enabling us to extract valuable information from websites. This blog post delved into web scraping using Python and various libraries. We aimed to extract product information from Costco's website, specifically focusing on the "Audio/Video" subcategory under "Electronics."

We utilized popular web scraping libraries such as Beautiful Soup and Selenium to achieve this. We began by understanding the website's structure and identifying the elements we wanted to extract. By leveraging Beautiful Soup, we parsed the HTML content and utilized Selenium to automate browser actions. This combination allowed us to navigate the website, click on relevant links, and extract the desired information.

Throughout the blog post, we defined several functions to handle different steps of the scraping process. We created functions to navigate to specific pages, extract links, and retrieve product details such as brand, price, model, connection type, and more. We achieved better code organization, reusability, and maintainability by organizing our code into functions.

After scraping the necessary data, we stored it in a dictionary format and converted it into a Pandas DataFrame. This facilitated further data manipulation and analysis. Finally, we exported the DataFrame to a CSV file, making it accessible for future use and integration with other software.

Web scraping empowers businesses and individuals with valuable insights and competitive advantages. It enables us to gather market data, monitor trends, analyze customer preferences, and make informed decisions. Mastering web scraping techniques can unlock a wealth of information and enhance your data-driven capabilities.

This blog post has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of web scraping using Python. With this knowledge, you can explore the vast possibilities and applications of web scraping in your projects. Embrace the power of web scraping and unleash the potential of data at your fingertips!

If you have any other web scraping requirements like mobile app scraping or instant data scraper, contact Actowiz Solutions today!


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